
Events Calendar

Kihaawk Fellowship – 2020
From Friday, May 15, 2020 -  07:00pm
To Sunday, May 17, 2020 - 11:00am
Contact Brian Wilder; 13102915862;;
Tuku’ut Lodge is pleased to invite you to our Spring Fellowship which we call Kihaawk. This fun event is to be held at Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation. The Kihaawk Weekend is scheduled from the evening of Friday, May 17 through Sunday May 19, 2018. Please arrive at HESR by 8:00 pm Friday night. Please note that dinner is not provided Friday night, so you should have dinner before arriving at camp. Please plan on leaving camp around 10 am Sunday.
Cost: $25 which pays for a patch, food, and engaging program.
Program includes: Chapter Olympics, Iron Chief Challenge, Patch Auction, Climbing Wall, Vigil Callout, Lodge Elections and more.
Registration: Signup Here!.
Location Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation
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